Nelson Lab - Efish Bibliographies

Books about electric fish

Bullock TH, Heiligenberg W (eds) (1986) Electroreception. Wiley, 722 pp.
Heiligenberg W (1991) Neural nets in electric fish. MIT Press, 179 pp.
Moller P (1995) Electric Fishes: History and Behavior. Chapman & Hall, 583 pp.

Research bibliographies

The following is a list of papers on the electrosensory system from 2000-2004. It's organized by year, then by author. You can search using your browser's Find command. (The list may be incomplete; it is based on an ISI search for the terms "electric fish" OR electrosensory OR electrolocation OR electrorecept*.)

The following is a list of about 1800 papers on electrosensory systems from the mid 1950's up through 1999. It's organized alphabetically by author. You can search using your browser's Find command.