Hoekstra, D, Janssen, J (1985) Non-visual feeding behavior of the
mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi, in Lake Michigan. Env.
Biol. Fishes 12: 111-117
This classic paper was the first to begin describing the prey capture
behavior of the mottled sculpin. Since its publication, the
unconditioned behavior described hearin has been found to be mediated
almost entirely by the mechanosensory lateral line system, making it
an excellent model for studying how the system works and what types
of information it may detect. This paper has been cited 49 times at
an average of 3.2 times per year since it was published in 1985.
Most references are found in papers on the mottled sculpin and always
in conjunction with studies on lateral line systems of aquatic
creatures. In 1998 this paper was cited 8 times perhaps reflecting
the increase in neuroscientific studies. One group in particular,
led by Dr. Sheryl Coombs of the Parmly Hearing Institute in Chicago,
has done much of the work with the mottled sculpin including many of
the intracellular studies on how information is being encoded at the
level of the receptor and in the medial octavolateralis nucleus, the
primary sensory nucleus of the mechanosensory system.
This page prepared by:
Mark Nelson, Sept 2000, bargraph generated by M. MacIver
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