General Reading on Neuroethology
General Neuroethology Monographs
- Ewert J-P (1980) Neuroethology: an Introduction to the
Neurophysiological Fundamentals of Behavior. Springer-Verlag.
- Camhi J (1984) Neuroethology: Nerve Cells and the Natural Behavior of
Animals. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
- Guthrie DM (1980) Neuroethology: an Introduction. Blackwell
Scientific Publications.
- Guthrie DM (ed) (1987) Aims and Methods in Neuroethology.
Manchester University Press.
- Huber F, Markl H (eds) (1983) Neuroethology and Behavioral Physiology.
- Lehrer M (ed)(1997) Orientation and communication in arthropods.Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.
- Moss CF, Shettleworth SJ (eds) (1996) Neuroethological Studies of
Cognitive and Perceptual Processes. HarperCollins, Boulder CO.
- Schildberger K, Elsner N (eds) (1994) Neural basis of behavioural adaptations. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Simmons PJ, Young D (1999) Nerve Cells and Animal Behavior. 2nd
ed., Cambridge Univ. Press., Cambridge
Articles Introducing the Concepts and History of Neuroethology
- Comer CM, Robertson RM (2001) Identified nerve cells and insect behavior. Prog Neurobiol 63:409-439.
- Fentress JC (1992) History of developmental neuroethology: early
contributions from ethology. J Neurobiol 23(10):1355-1369.
- Heisenberg M (1997) Genetic approach to neuroethology. Bioessays 19:1065-1073.
- Hoyle G (1984) The scope of neuroethology. Behav Brain Sci 7:367-412.
- Leonard JL (2001) Theodore H. Bullock and simpler systems in comparative and integrative neurobiology -
An introduction to the Festschrift. Prog Neurobiol 63:365-370.
- Pfluger HJ, Menzel R (1999) Neuroethology, its roots and future. J Comp Physiol A
- Roeder K (1963) Ethology and neurophysiology. Z Tierpsychol 20: 434-440.
- Ulinski PS (1984) Design features in vertebrate sensory systems. Amer Zool 24:717-731.