Chapter 17 261. Sensory input from moving body parts is NECESSARY for a. compensating for unexpected perturbations during a motor performance. b. providing timing cues for execution of the next action in a motor performance. c. allowing the animal to decide what behavior sequence should be selected next. d. none of the above. 262. A flying locust can compensate for disturbances in its flight path. It detects such disturbances mainly with mechanoreceptors a. in the wing hinge. b. at the leg joints. c. on the head. d. on the wings themselves. 263. A flying locust can compensate for disturbances in its flight path by a. differential activity in wing muscle motor neurons that twist the wings. b. activity in abdominal muscle motor neurons that bend the abdomen. c. activity in leg muscle motor neurons that swing out the legs. d. all the mechanisms listed above. 264. Blowing wind on the side of the head of a FLYING locust will cause it to a. swing its abdomen and legs out, thereby swinging the animal around so it is flying into the wind. b. change the degree of twisting of its wings so it swings away from the wind. c. beat both pairs of wings faster. d. beat both pairs of wings slower. 265. One experimental approach to the question of whether or not a particular neuron has access to (or is part of) a central pattern generator (CPG) is to stimulate the neuron. If the ongoing rhythm is a. not reset, the neuron must be part of or have access to the CPG. b. not reset, the neuron must NOT be part of or have access to the CPG. c. reset, the neuron must be a command neuron. d. reset, the neuron must be a motor neuron. 266. Some sensory feedback impinges on motor neurons, some on components of the central oscillator. One can help distinguish these alternatives by comparing the effects of a stimulus on a. the strength of the patterned motor output. (I.e., does it get stronger?) b. the duration of the patterned motor output. (I.e., how long does it last?) c. the completeness of the patterned motor output. (I.e., does more of the full behavior appear?) d. the timing of the patterned motor output. (I.e., is the rhythm reset?) 267. A phase response curve shows the relationship between a. the time during one rhythmic or cyclic event at which another cyclic event occurs. b. the time during a rhythmic or cyclic action at which a stimulus is applied and whether the cycle is advanced, delayed, or not changed. c. the strength of a stimulus and the timing of the animal's response to that stimulus. d. the response of an animal engaged in a rhythmic or cyclic action to a stimulus applied at one particular, fixed phase or time relative to the cyclic action. 268. The observation that in a stick insect whose legs are loaded differentially (i.e., more on one side of the body than on the other) walking slows down and normal stepping patterns are maintained, suggests that a. the pattern generator(s) for walking are influenced by the visual input of the slowly moving treadwheels. b. sensory feedback onto motor neurons can slow leg movements on the unloaded side enough to keep the legs on the two sides in synchrony. c. sensory input from the loaded legs probably influences the pattern generator(s) directly. d. the pattern generator(s) for walking are able to maintain rhythmic output even in the presence of improper sensory feedback. 269. A stick insect is made to walk on two separate treadwheels. Making one wheel harder for the insect to turn will a. increase the rate of stepping on that side only. b. increase the rate of stepping on both sides. c. decrease the rate of stepping on that side only. d. decrease the rate of stepping on both sides. 270. When the two middle legs are cut off an insect, the insect's remaining legs move a. randomly, with no coordination. b. normally. c. in a different but still coordinated pattern. d. not at all, since the insect can no longer walk. 271. In the experiment in which a shark was paralyzed with curare and its tail moved back and forth, the purpose of the curare was to a. prevent movement due to muscular activity while still allowing mechanoreceptors in the body to respond to externally imposed movements. b. prevent movement of the tail from disturbing the animal. c. facilitate the natural expression of the swimming rhythm. d. do none of the above. 272. In the experiment in which curare was injected into a shark whose midbrain had been severed, the purpose of cutting the nerve cord just in front of the tail was to a. eliminate the possibility that grasping the tail would disturb the on-going swimming rhythm. b. prevent any sensory input that results from moving the body from influencing the swimming rhythm. c. keep the tail out of the experiment. d. eliminate the influence of the pattern generators that were in the tail. 273. A flying locust responds differently to wind on the side of its head than does a standing locust. This is an example of a. behavioral switching. b. reflex modulation. c. reflex gating. d. the effect of sensory feedback on a motor performance. 274. Blowing wind on the side of the head of a standing locust causes the locust to a. open its wings and fly. b. jump. c. swing its abdomen out to one side. d. do nothing. 275. The effect of wind on the side of the head of a flying locust is different than is its effect on a standing locust a. because the reflex effect of wind is gated by lack of tarsal contact from the feet, preventing any effect of wind when the animal is standing. b. because in order for them to fire, the motor neurons that respond to the wind stimulus during flight require input from both the flight CPG and the sensory hairs on the head that signal "wind on the side." c. because the wings must be in the open position for wind to have any effect, since sense organs in the bases of the wings inhibit the wind effect. d. for reasons not given above. 276. Reflex modulation is defined as a. the presence or absence of a reflex being dependent on whether or not the animal is engaged in a particular motor act. b. the waxing and waning of a reflex depending on the stage in a cyclic movement of some particular body part. c. the dependence of a behavioral response to a particular stimulus on the presence or absence of some other specific stimulus. d. the behavioral effect of reafferent input. 277. Reflex gating and reflex modulation are both examples of the effect of behavioral state on the consequences of sensory stimulation. The main differences between them are a. reflex modulation is essentially all-or-none while reflex gating refers to continuous change. b. reflex gating is essentially all-or-none while reflex modulation refers to continuous change. c. reflex modulation occurs only in vertebrate animals, gating in invertebrates. d. none. They are the same phenomenon.