Copyright ©Mark Nelson, 2002. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3: Structure of Nervous Systems
What you need to know

(exam questions will be a drawn from this subset of material)

What's the difference between afferent and efferent fibers?   (p. 51-53)
What's the difference between the CNS and the PNS?  (p. 51-53)

What are the autonomic and somatic components of the nervous system?  (p.51-53)
How are invertebrate nervous systems organized?  (p. 54-56)

What is the typical structure of  invertebrate ganglia?  (p. 55-56)

What is the organization of the vertebrate spinal cord?  (p. 59-61)

Where does sensory information enter the spinal cord?  (p. 59-61)

Where does motor information leave the spinal cord?  (p. 59-61)

Where are the cell bodies of the sensory neurons entering the spinal cord?  (p. 59-61)

Where are the cell bodies of the motor neurons leaving the spinal cord?  (p. 59-61)

What is a sulcus (plural, sulci); what is a gyrus (plural gyri)?  (p. 62)

What are the three major outswellings that appear during early vertebrate brain development?  (p. 64)

What are the two main parts of the fully developed forebrain?  (p.64-65)

What are the three  main parts of the fully developed hidbrain(p. 64-65)

Is brain region X part of the telencephalon, diencephalon, midbrain or hindbrain?  (p.65)

What is the general function of brain region X?  (p. 65)

What are ventricles?  (p. 66)
What is the meninges?  (p. 66)

What is the blood-brain barrier?  (p. 66)

Where is area X in the adult human brain?  (p.69)
What are the cranial nerves?  (p.70)

How many pairs of cranial nerves are there? Do I need to know the names/functions of individual nerves (p. 70)

What is the corpus callosum (p. 75)

What are the two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system?  (p.80-81)
What is the general function of the sympathetic/parasympathetic division?  (p. 80-81)